Hey, you’re not alone..

I couldn’t even tell you the amount of times I’ve heard ‘I don’t really like having photos taken of myself...’ But I couldn’t tell you how many people have told me ‘Oh, I actually don’t look too bad in that.’ either. With a few simple prompts you’re going to say the same!

Especially the mamas. I think we’re almost wired to think we take a ‘bad’ photo.

So heres a few tips to help us feel better about ourselves and take control of how we look in the photos too!

Step One:

Don’t Slouch.

Quick way to lose 5kg in a portrait in just one min…

If you’ve ever taken a yoga class they speak of the golden thread stretching you tall from the top of your head through your spine. Put your shoulders down and back and your neck up and chin slightly forward to get rid of that double chin - we’ve ALL got one but we can make it disappear!!

Boom, now look at ya!

Step Two:


Oh too simple?!? Yes, but like really smile, think of something lovely, like your first cuppa in the morning.. if you’ve got kids with you think of them, the pride and joy will well up in you and BAM! Real smile! … Or fake laugh and somehow it feels so silly it turns into a REAL laugh, especially when you do a little snort!

When it comes to smile DO NOT fake it til you make it … think happy thoughts!!

Step Three:

Dress the part.

When planning your photos wear something thats your FEEL good in, the jeans that make your butt look so good, that dress that swishes and makes you feel like frolicking through the fields.. How much fancier do you feel with a slick of lippy, 100% - does us the world of good!!

If you’re planing a session for your family choose your outfit first and make everyone else fit in with that. It’s this feeling of looking your best that will radiate through you and bounce off the rest of your family. First step to less stress at your photo session!

white female smiling with and without lipstick wearing white top and white background


Book a photographer (ME!!) that knows know to make people relax, who wants your whole family to enjoy the time we all spend together!! And isn’t too bothered about being silly to get everyone having fun!

Melinda Gold Photography, Best Family photographer in Ireland, to take the stress away and bring the joy!


Newborn photos in the comfort of your own home?


What happens when you book a photo session with me..